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The issue often seems overwhelming. But keep in mind, all these statistics represent people. People who were made in the image of God, who have value outside of their situations. They are more than victims. They all have potential to be survivors who can make an impact in any endeavor they choose.
They are why we fight!
There were 27.6 million people engaged in forced labour (which includes commercial sexual exploitation) on any given day in 2021. This figure translates to 3.5 people for every thousand people in the world.
The total amount of illegal profits from forced labour has risen by US$64 billion (37 per cent) since 2014, a dramatic increase that has been fuelled by both a growth in the number of people forced into labour, as well as higher profits generated from the exploitation of victims.
Forced commercial sexual exploitation accounts for more than two-thirds (73 per cent) of the total illegal profits, despite accounting for only 27 per cent of the total number of victims in privately imposed labour.
--International Labor Organization
In 2023, 30,162 incidents were reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline involving 16,658 individual victims, and 9,619 cases were officially identified.
6,593 of these individuals were victims of sex trafficking
165 of these identified cases were in Colorado